Childhood is such fun times, isn’t it? Life is all fun and everything is prepared for you. You just fit yourself in and things are all rosie.
Well, our kids are enjoying all these toys that we want them to review and keep so that we can inform our readers about just how suitable they are for their own kids.
JP took on the ‘challenge’ to review the Five Surprise Doll and boy, did she enjoy unboxing it and getting all the surprises. She’s given us her review below. I think she went straight for the negative aspect first.
“The 5 surprise doll was hard to open as it had a piece of plastic wrapped tightly right around the ball and then a wrapper. Both had to be cut off with scissors.
The ball itself is a dark pink/ purple colour with 5 different apple slice (segment) looking sections. They were fun to open as there is a lot of fun things to collect in each surprise ball.
The surprises range from stickers and badges to colour changing plant pots and horse figures. Overall the ball was a joy to open. I think the ball best suites ages 3 to 6 as the prizes inside are things little kids get excited about. “

These are the five segments

Some segments had stickers in

One segment had a little toy like this

There were also other little bits like stickers in the segments

As a parent and teacher, I would say that JP’s review sums up the Five Doll Surprise. The tiny little collectable stuff can be annoying for parents when they are all scattered around the house. It would be a good idea to purchase for them a lidded plastic box in which to keep the little stuff for them to play with. Play, for children, is important so we have to come up with the happy medium of pleasing both children and parents.
I would give this product a three-star rating out of five.
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Would your little ones like the five surprise doll? Let us know in the comments below.